Winkfield Row, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 6NH

01344 882422

Winkfield St Mary's CE Primary School

"I have come that they may have life and have it to the full!" John 10:10

While learning and playing, we help each other to live life to the full and follow the school values (REACH) to make sure we are the best we can be.                   

In other words...

In Year 1...

We are kind.
We laugh often.
We do our best.
We never give up.

We make mistakes.
We have lots of fun.
We have big dreams.
We are a team together.
We encourage one another.
We are respected and respectful.

Meet the Team:

Mrs Beavan (Monday - Wednesday)


Our LOVELY teaching assistants are:

Mrs Hobbs 

Miss fazey

Step inside our classroom...

Class Timetable:

English, Maths and Phonics are taught daily.

Monday PE, Music
Tuesday Geography, Show & Tell
Wednesday PSHE, Computing, Library
Thursday PE, Science
Friday RE, Art

Welcome Meeting

It was lovely to meet so many of you at our welcome meeting. Here are the slides we shared about the year ahead.

Welcome to a brand new year! We are so excited to welcome our new Year 1 children and we look forward to a busy and fun term ahead! Here is a snapshot of our learning....

Home Learning and Support at Home

New reading books will be sent home every Friday; one ELS phonetically-decodable book, which we ask that you read four times a week if possible, and one sharing book to enjoy together with a focus more on comprehension than decoding. Please write the date and details of pages read in your child’s reading diary.

We will also send home weekly spellings to learn. These will be based around the Year 1 Common Exception words, numbers to 20 (written as words) and days of the week.

 Activities and useful websites to support your child’s learning:

Busy Fingers!

As soon as we arrive in the mornings we like to get busy! Here are some of the activities we do when we get to school as we wait for all our friends to arrive before the register is taken. 

1, 2, 3, 4, 5...

We love numbers in Year 1 and we're learning to count on, count back, compare, order, recognise different number representations and so much more... often with the help of the Numberblocks! This Summer we are going to be learning all these skills up to 100!

Which is your favourite number?


  • Children should come to school in PE kit on Mondays and Thursdays. 
  • Please ensure your child has a named water bottle in school. 
  • Reading books and record books should be brought into school every day.