Winkfield Row, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 6NH

01344 882422

Winkfield St Mary's CE Primary School

Welcome to Year 6!

In Year 6, we ensure that we embrace the school values by being great role models for the rest of the school:







for the STARS!

Show good listening towards everyone
Try our very best
Always look after everyone, everything and our world
Remain kind, gentle and polite
Share and include everyone



Meet the Team

Year 6 are supported in class by:

Miss O'Connor (Class Teacher)

Mrs Groom (Teaching Assistant)

Miss Johnson (Learning Support Assistant)


 Year 6 is a busy, exciting and memorable year. The most important message for the children this year is to make the most of every opportunity that comes their way! 

As always, thank you for your ongoing support and if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to speak to one of us. 


How to help your child at home


Please encourage your child to read a range of different genres. The more they read, the better their vocabulary becomes, which also improves their independent writing. (Questions to ask whilst reading)


Please help your child to write cursively and neatly whenever they are writing anything. (Spelling practice ideas)


A useful link to Times Tables practise:

A fun and interactive maths game: KS2 free maths game - Primary mathematics skills - Times tables, multiplication, division, algebra, fractions and decimals - BBC Bitesize



If work is unfinished within the lesson, then it will be sent home to complete.

The most helpful thing you can do this year is encourage your child to show independence, responsibility and to try their best!

Help them to make the most of their final year at Winkfield St Mary's. 


Summer Term


P.E days this term will be Monday and Friday.

Our English and Maths lessons are taught AM.

All other lessons are taught PM.

Our topic this term will be Society.

Please see the Summer 2 Overview (above) to find out more about what we will be learning across the curriculum.

Home Learning

Home learning is optional but advisable:

Daily reading

Times tables practise

Spelling practise

 Please see the weekly overview below, for further details.